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Maryville 1-2 Education Center

Maryville celebrated Patriots' Day on Sept. 11 by having the students line up around the flag and say the Pledge of Allegiance together.

Maryville 1-2 Education Center

Louise and the Mobile Dairy Classroom visited Maryville as part of ABC Countdown to Summer - Letter C for Cow Day!

Maryville 1-2 Education Center

2nd-grader Charlie Flowers was recognized at the GCSD9 Board Meeting for his fourth place finish at the IAC International Regional Finals Geography Bee.

Maryville 1-2 Education Center

1st Mid-America Grant Winners - Ms. Boehme, Ms. Phillips & Ms. Stout


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At the heart of Granite City School District #9 lies a hard-working, resilient community that takes pride in fostering an inclusive, innovative, and diverse educational experience for all students. We are dedicated to continuous improvement, supporting students’ academic success, overall growth, and a safe environment through equity, advocacy, empowerment, and community involvement.  

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